Kristalle II
(exhibition view Rundgang, at UdK Berlin)

book, apple, sugar, hair, straw

Séverine oder wie ein König stürzt II 
(exhibition view bodenlos, at Zionskirche Berlin)

book, hairy candy, colums

The installation Séverine oder wie ein König stürzt II (Séverine or how a king falls) is composed of a  self-bound fairy tale book and hairy candies. Visitors can read the story it contains in the church on site.

(exhibition view at BcmA, Berlin)

text, sugar, hair, column

The installation Kristalle (crystals) is composed of hairy sugar diamonds and printed texts.
The sugar pieces are part of a self-written fairy tale that tells the story of Neige, who becomes a woman of sugar by eating the gift of a cake maker. An unknown sorcerer frees her from this shape and initiates the process of a further transformation.

Séverine oder wie ein König stürzt
(exhibition view at feldfünf, Berlin)

sugar, hair, aroma, silver tray, texts

The installation Séverine oder wie ein König stürzt (Séverine or how a king falls) is composed of printed texts and hairy candies.

The sweets are part of a self-written fairy tale that visitors could read on site or take with them. It tells the story of Séverine, who loses her voice on the day of her brother’s crowning. To regain her voice, Séverine has to leave the earth and begins a journey that takes her down to the depths of the sea. There she finds the ingredients for hairy candy, which finally enable her to return to land.

Klotz der vergangenen Bedeutung

wax, textile, pepper, dried flowers, wood chips, latex

12,6 x 12,6 x 7,4 cm

The Klotz der vergangenen Bedeutung contains different objects with a personal meaning, such as a bouquet of dried flowers, a shirt, a garden gnome, a condom, half a leg of a mannequin and a painting.  By shredding, burning and melting these objects, they got smaller and now remain compressed in this block.